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Materials and Finishes

Select a Material

Choose the material to be used for your part.

Specify Special Materials

Specify a material other than what is offered in the material list.

Specify Pre-Shaped Stock

Specify a material that comes in special forms other than sheets, plates, blocks or rods.

Specify a Finish

Apply finishes to your part for decorative or functional purposes.

Specify Material Color

Choose the color of the material.

Aluminum 6061 – for machined parts
Aluminum 5052 – for sheet metal parts with bends
Stainless 304 – popular stainless steel
Steel 1008/1018 – economical steel
Brass 360 – for decorative and low friction parts
Acetal Black – general plastic

Select a Material

  1. Choose menu Job > Material.
  2. On the bottom of the materials dialog, check “Allow substitution” for the preferred materials that suit your part.
  3. In the grid, select the desired material by clicking on it.
  4. On the bottom of the materials dialog, review and check the desired boxes.
  5. Click OK.

See the types of materials we offer here.

Specify Special Materials

You can specify a material other than what is offered in the material list.

  1. Choose menu Job > Material.
  2. On the top of the window, select the “Request Special Material” tab.
  3. In the text field, enter a description of the desired material. If you have a suggested vendor, you may specify it here as well.
  4. Click OK.

Specify Pre-Shaped Stock

Pre-shaped stock is material that comes in special forms other than sheets, plates, blocks or rods (e.g. L beams, rectangular tubes, hexagonal, etc).

Using pre-shaped stock doesn’t always reduce price.

  1. Provide the supplier material ID via Comments To Machinist if your part is stock material modified without reducing the size of the outermost region.
  2. Request a manual quote.

Specify a Finish

Finishes treat the surface of your part.

Apply finishes to your part for decorative or functional purposes.

  1. Choose menu Job > Finishing.
  2. Check the desired finish.
  3. If needed, enter any additional settings that may appear below the grid.
  4. Click OK.

Note: You may need to compensate for finish thickness.

Specify Material Color

  1. Choose menu Job > Material.
  2. From the list and corresponding dropdowns, check the desired material and color of the material.
  3. If specifying a special material, in the text field, specify the desired color.
  4. Click OK.
  5. If desired, choose menu Job > Finishing and select a colored finish from the list.